Thang máy Otis tác động đến thiết kế tòa nhà chọc trời
Thang máy Otis được nhiều người đánh giá là tốt nhất trong lĩnh vực này và trong nhiều năm, chúng đã được sử dụng ở nhiều công trình quan trọng như Tòa nhà Empire State, Tháp Eiffel và Burj Khalifa. Trên thực tế, trước khi Elisha Otis phát minh ra phanh an toàn thang máy vào năm 1853, rất ít tòa nhà có trên bảy tầng, vì việc triển khai thang máy bị coi là quá nguy hiểm. Tuy nhiên, với phát minh nổi tiếng này, các kiến trúc sư và nhà xây dựng đã có cơ sở hoàn hảo để bắt đầu thiết kế những tòa nhà ngày càng cao hơn, vốn là nền tảng của thiết kế nhà chọc trời. Sự phá vỡ an toàn cho phép mở rộng xu hướng kiến trúc này và cả 20th và 21st centuries focused on skylines. Although at first, Otis elevators were used in flagship constructions such as the Kremlin and the ones mentioned above, today many office buildings that reach the sky use them and most of the building managers or maintenance teams are fully satisfied with their functioning. Furthermore, Otis parts can be easily found both at the manufacturer and different suppliers, therefore the maintenance or repair of the elevators is not a difficult task. Otis spare parts can be quite expensive though, which is why many people chose to buy them online from different suppliers, rather than directly from the manufacturer. The first elevator was built in 1849, followed by the first elevator shaft in 1853, which was designed by architect Peter Cooper for the New York’s Union Foundation building. Later on, Otis designed a special elevator for exactly that building after he tried to demonstrate people that elevators are not dangerous through a dramatic, death defying performance in 1854 at the New York’s World Fair, when he cut the hoisting platform rope. The performance actually gave the expected results and the first Otis elevator was installed three years later and soon after that his elevators were used for the Eiffel Tower and the Empire State Building. Of course, it was not until the implementation of the steel frame took place that the proliferation of skyscraper design really began. As you can imagine, the Otis Elevator company didn’t stop at the invention of the safety break, but still continues today to impress the world of construction with inventions like the Gen2 Switch™, a solar power cable. Of course, the more advanced elevators become, the more important it is to maintain them properly, which means being very careful in choosing and buying Otis spare parts. Nevertheless, as mentioned above, there are many suppliers and affiliate companies that sell Otis parts in all corners of the world, some of them even at lower prices than the manufacturer, because they benefit from bulk discounts or preferred rates, depending on their contracts. Whether you decide to buy Otis spare parts from the manufacturer or from a different supplier, it is essential to purchase the original parts, otherwise you risk the well functioning of your Otis elevators, not to mention the fact that you may be putting people’s life in danger. To find out more about
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