One stop hiss delar leverantör av kone,otis,mitsubishi…

Hiss specialvajer 10mm


Hiss specialvajer 10mm

$ 0.33$ 4.11

Elevator special wire rope 10mm traction machine wire rope hemp core speed limiter 6 8 12 13 Jiangsu Saifutian

SKU: 573816256148 Kategori:


Elevator special wire rope 10mm traction machine wire rope hemp core speed limiter 6 8 12 13 Jiangsu Saifutian

Se till att bekräfta hur många meter som behövs. Efter att hela stållinan är avskuren på 2000 meter kommer den inte att returneras eller bytas ut om det inte är ett kvalitetsproblem.

The normal use and installation of the steel wire rope for the host is not a human problem, and the warranty is 1 year. If the installation is improperly caused by human problems such as twisting or single wear, or the wire rope is soaked in water, it is not normal use and is not covered by the warranty. The national standard stipulates that the elevator host wire rope replacement needs to be replaced together and the same brand and specification. If only one or a part of the wire rope is replaced, it does not meet the national standard, and the factory is not guaranteed, and the risk needs to be borne by the buyer.

Length: 6mm 8mm 10mm 12mm 13mm 16mm 3mm
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