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Плата связи СМ-04-ВРК/ВРФ СМ.04ВР/К


Плата связи СМ-04-ВРК/ВРФ СМ.04ВР/К

$ 4,98$ 53.12

Xinshida elevator outbound call display board SM-04-VRK/VRF communication board SM.04VR/K outbound call panel complete set

Артикул: 532035306345 Категория:



Стандартный протокол

Special Protocol L0-0A02-V1.0

Fire Flat Lighting Tube L0-0A02-V1.0

Overload Flat Lighting Tube Complete Set of Outbound Call Box (Standard Protocol)

Complete Set of Outbound Call Box (Special Protocol)

This product is a brand new spot from the original factory of Xinshida. The products in our store are all taken in kind. Since there are too many versions of this type of product program, in order to avoid sending the wrong version, please contact customer service to check the version before shooting! ! !

электронная почта:sales@oneelevator.com

электронная почта:sales@oneelevator.com
Вичат: +86-18061464200

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  • Адрес:Puhui Road shangcheng International Building, Jiangyin, China, 214431 Телефон: (+86) 180-6146-4200
  • Электронная почта: sales@oneelevator.com

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