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도어 슬라이더 유니버설 홀 도어


도어 슬라이더 유니버설 홀 도어

$ 0.09$ 0.90

elevator door slider universal hall door door foot elevator accessories suitable for Mitsubishi O’Stisson

SKU: 524139565946 카테고리: ,


elevator door slider universal hall door door foot elevator accessories suitable for Mitsubishi O’Stisson

Note that the option of the nut is without screws, need a set of nuts and screws, then you can contact customer service, customer service will give you a separate link. This slider is suitable for M6 nuts, a slider needs to match 2 sets of nuts and screws.

원산지: 중국 본토

Province: Zhejiang

City: Ningbo

Color: Normal type (nylon) Wear-resistant type (Teflon) Shaped nut M6 (without screws) Shaped nut M5 (without screws)

Item No.: FY-HK1

This link starts at 5 yuan.

Note that the option of the nut is without screws, need a set of nuts and screws, then you can contact customer service, customer service will give you a separate link. This slider is suitable for M6 nuts, a slider needs to match 2 sets of nuts and screws.


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연중무휴 24시간 문의

  • 주소:Puhui Road shangcheng International Building, Jiangyin, China,214431 전화:(+86)180-6146-4200
  • 이메일: sales@oneelevator.com

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