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HAMCB ALMCB LMCB control motherboard


HAMCB ALMCB LMCB control motherboard

$ 90.00$ 594.00

Xizi Otis elevator accessories HAMCB ALMCB LMCB control cabinet motherboard integrated inverter



طبقه بندی:

ALMCB V5.0 ALMCB V4.3 Debug Chinese server

ALMCB V6.0 HAMCB V4.0 HAMCB V5.0 ALMCB V6.0 with screw print



LMCB已经停产,可以用ALMCB V5.0或者V4.3替代。需要操作器进行调试。高版本可以兼容低版本使用。

ALMCB HAMCB XMCB需要调试后才能使用,调试步骤复杂,对调试人员要求较高,容易调试失败。我们提供有偿调试服务,需要将老主板寄回我们公司,技术人员会根据老板子将大部分参数都原样设置好,您收到后只需要现场做个简单设置即可(最后一步必须到现场才能设置,并需要用到操作器,技术包教会)。费用500元每块,具体操作方式联系客服。

ALMCB is divided into different versions. The scene is V6.0 can only use V6.0. The site is V5.0 and below, you can use V5.0 or V4.3 (V4.3 is better for debugging than V5.0), but V6.0 cannot be used (faults will be reported, you need to change the main board, very high risk).

HAMCB is divided into different versions. If the site is V5.0, only V5.0 can be used. If the site is V4.0, it is recommended to use V4.0 (V4.0 has been discontinued and only a small amount of stock is available). If V4.0 uses V5.0, because the new version 5.0 has New features, debugging will be more difficult.

LMCB has been discontinued and can be replaced by ALMCB V5.0 or V4.3. An operator is required for debugging. Higher versions are compatible with lower versions.

ALMCB HAMCB XMCB needs to be debugged before it can be used. The debugging steps are complicated, the requirements for debugging personnel are high, and debugging failure is easy. We provide paid debugging service, you need to send the old motherboard back to our company, and the technician will set most of the parameters as they are according to the boss. After you receive it, you only need to make a simple setting on site (the last step must be on site to settings, and requires the use of the operator, the technology package teaches). The fee is 500 yuan per block, please contact customer service for specific operation methods.

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  • پست الکترونیک: sales@oneelevator.com

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