Mitsubishi ja Otis – kaks peamist nime liftide tootmises

Mitsubishi ja Otis

– kaks peamist nime liftide tootmises

Otis_logoMitsubishi_logo We live in a world where skyscrapers are a common sight and taking the stairs is just a phrase of the past. Elevators and escalators are a great solution for this vertical advent, but few people stop and think about the incredible functionality of an elevator nowadays. We are surrounded by technology and we take things like this for granted. The knowledge, technology, dedicated effort, precision craftsmanship and engineering challenges involved in the process of manufacturing a modern elevator are truly inspirational. Besides the fact that we would be in a pinch without them, elevators are ingenious inventions that have changed the world’s cityscapes. When it comes to escalators and elevators, Mitsubishi Electric and Otis Elevator Company are two of the most famous brands in the world. The competition between these two manufacturers has always been fierce, but both have managed to remain leaders of this industry for decades by offering excellent services, high quality products and competitive prices at the same time. Building a functional elevator of super high speed requires overcoming many challenges, including mechanical and technological ones. In fact, the technology involved in creating a modern elevator is so advanced that you could probably say that a modern elevator made by either Mitsubishi or Otis is the culmination of years of development and engineering experience. We can only imagine the precision needed for a super high speed Mitsubishi elevator to function properly considering the fact that it can generally run at approximately 18 mph or 30 km/h. Besides the fact that modern elevators seem to break the laws of physics, they are also created with the comfort of the user in mind. The fact that people can barely feel its speed and do not get sick after such an impressive drop seems like a miracle. The secret in fact lies in their design and precision. Mitsubishi elevator parts are created with a millimeter accuracy to ensure that any vibration and noise are imperceptible. The reason why companies such as Otis and Mitsubishi have become leading names in the productions of escalators and elevators is their innovative thinking. Corporate principles that focus on improving its products and services constantly, on investing in new technology and in embracing new ideas have made possible the success of these two companies, because the end products are always the best on the market. If one pays attention to details such as the use of artificial intelligence to generate traffic patterns and create responsive services based on them, the energy-saving functions and enhanced speed adjustment functions, one can immediately realize what sets Otis and Mitsubishi elevators apart from other similar manufacturers, not to mention that all the safety conditions are met. As of lately these two companies have also focused on using green technologies and reduce the energy consumption for all their products while increasing their applications and functions. All in all, when it comes to purchasing an elevator or escalator, high quality, safety and innovation should always take the first place on the list of priorities. If you are interested in buying a Mitsubishi elevator or Mitsubishi elevator parts, check out this website. Mitsubishi elevator Mitsubishi elevator parts

Millal lifti osi vahetada

Millal lifti osi vahetada

replace elevator parts The world is evolving on a vertical scale. More and more countries initiate ground-breaking architectural projects that involve the construction of impressive sky-scrapers with hundreds of floors and state of the art equipment. It goes without saying that in such buildings it is essential to install the highest quality and most sustainable elevators that can ensure comfort and safety for all those who stay inside.

However, skyscrapers are not the only ones that need elevators. There are millions of blocks of flats and office buildings that have elevators around the world and the worrying part is that many of them still use elevators from fifty years ago. Not only is this incredibly frustrating, because they are very slow, but they can actually pose many health threats and those who use them even risk suffering severe injuries. Whether you are in charge of an office building or a block of flats, you should never put off the investment for new elevator parts.

Although it can sometimes be tempting to allocate the budget to something else, there comes a time when you really need to contact a professional company, have the elevator inspected, and then replace the parts that have worn out in time. Elevator parts are much easier to find today than they were in the past, because the online sphere has hundreds of shops where you can browse for components depending on the manufacturer. For example, if you need Kone parts, you can order them with a phone call. Elevator maintenance does not sound like a pleasant task and the process indeed has its challenges, especially when it comes to locating providers. However, there are signs that indicate that elevators have reached the end of their functioning period or that they need to be maintained better.

If an elevator stops abruptly, or if the doors do not close completely, you need to contact a specialized company for inspection. You will also need an upgrade if the elevator stops between floors all the time. Postponing inspection and maintenance risks the health of the residents and staff inside, so you should never make compromises in this sector. Even if things such as Kone spare parts are not always affordable, it’s still more convenient to buy spare components every other year than postpone the investment until the damage is too big and the only thing you can do is replace the whole system completely. Besides, if you know what providers to work with, you can actually save a lot of money. Last, but not least, always make sure you are aware of the current legislation and regulations in your country and/or area. This way, you can avoid having unpleasant surprises and getting a fine because you failed to replace and maintain the elevator system. Regulations vary from country to country: for example, the United States have no less than 10 pieces of legislation on the topic and the European Union also has its own set of quality standards. All in all, replacing elevator parts should be an essential activity in all buildings and you should never underestimate its importance.

To find out more about Kone parts ja Kone varuosad, please click here.

Kone parts ,Kone spare parts replace Escalator parts

Otis Elevators mõjutab pilvelõhkuja kujundamist

Otis Elevators mõjutab pilvelõhkuja kujundamist

Otis elevators are considered by many the best in the field and, along the years, they have been used in many important constructions, such as the Empire State Building, the Eiffel Tower and Burj Khalifa. In fact, before Elisha Otis invented the elevator safety brake in 1853, very few buildings had more than seven stories, because the implementation of elevators was considered too dangerous. However, with the famous invention, architects and constructors had the perfect basis to start designing taller and taller buildings, which represented the corner stone of skyscraper design. The safety break allowed for the expansion of this architectural trend and both the 20th and 21st centuries focused on skylines. Although at first, Otis elevators were used in flagship constructions such as the Kremlin and the ones mentioned above, today many office buildings that reach the sky use them and most of the building managers or maintenance teams are fully satisfied with their functioning. Furthermore, Otis parts can be easily found both at the manufacturer and different suppliers, therefore the maintenance or repair of the elevators is not a difficult task. Otis spare parts can be quite expensive though, which is why many people chose to buy them online from different suppliers, rather than directly from the manufacturer. The first elevator was built in 1849, followed by the first elevator shaft in 1853, which was designed by architect Peter Cooper for the New York’s Union Foundation building. Later on, Otis designed a special elevator for exactly that building after he tried to demonstrate people that elevators are not dangerous through a dramatic, death defying performance in 1854 at the New York’s World Fair, when he cut the hoisting platform rope. The performance actually gave the expected results and the first Otis elevator was installed three years later and soon after that his elevators were used for the Eiffel Tower and the Empire State Building. Of course, it was not until the implementation of the steel frame took place that the proliferation of skyscraper design really began. As you can imagine, the Otis Elevator company didn’t stop at the invention of the safety break, but still continues today to impress the world of construction with inventions like the Gen2 Switch™, a solar power cable. Of course, the more advanced elevators become, the more important it is to maintain them properly, which means being very careful in choosing and buying Otis spare parts. Nevertheless, as mentioned above, there are many suppliers and affiliate companies that sell Otis parts in all corners of the world, some of them even at lower prices than the manufacturer, because they benefit from bulk discounts or preferred rates, depending on their contracts. Whether you decide to buy Otis spare parts from the manufacturer or from a different supplier, it is essential to purchase the original parts, otherwise you risk the well functioning of your Otis elevators, not to mention the fact that you may be putting people’s life in danger. To find out more about

Otis parts or to buy Otis spare parts, please click here.

Keywords: Otis parts ,Otis spare parts

URL: Otis Elevators mõjutab pilvelõhkuja kujundamist Keywords: Otis parts, Otis spare parts


Kvaliteetsete liftiosade ostmise põhjused

Kvaliteetsete liftiosade ostmise põhjused

osta kvaliteetseid eskalaatori osi Tänapäeval kasutavad kõik ühelt tasandilt teisele jõudmiseks lifti, kuid vähesed märkavad neid masinaid, kuni need katki lähevad. Kuigi lifte peetakse tavaliselt väga ohutuks, eriti tänapäevaseid, on millegi purunemisel väga oluline osta kvaliteetne varuosa, et vältida selle lähitulevikus uuesti purunemist. Need, kes otsivad, võivad tõepoolest leida lugusid liftiõnnetustest, kuid enamikul probleemidest on tavaliselt rahalist laadi. Muidugi, kui lift läheb katki ja inimesed sees ja kulub paar tundi, enne kui keegi nad sealt välja toob, võivad asjad muutuda väga ebamugavaks, kuid peale selle võivad vähesed inimesed öelda, et nad on liftis viibimise ajal tegelikult haiget saanud. . Ettevõtetel, kes peavad ostma lifti varuosi, võib tekkida rohkem probleeme, sest raha säästmiseks valivad nad midagi madalama kvaliteediga, mõistmata, et nad võivad pikas perspektiivis rohkem maksta.

Mõelge sellele, kui lift läheb katki, peate ostma varuosa ja maksma kellelegi, et see parandaks. Kuigi algselt võite odavamaid liftiosi ostes veidi raha kokku hoida, siis kui teie lift läheb uuesti katki ja sama osa tuleb välja vahetada, peate uuesti maksma sama raha, kuigi see olukord oleks võinud välditud. Lisaks, kui otsustate oma lifti parandada mõne madalama kvaliteediga osaga, on oht, et purunete midagi muud, kuna see ei tööta korralikult. Seetõttu, kui otsustate algusest peale osta kvaliteetseid lifti varuosi, väldite paljusid tulevasi probleeme ja tagate, et kõik saavad seda turvaliselt kasutada, ilma et jääksite mõneks tunniks kinni. Alati, kui tuleb vahetada osa, mis võib olla kallim, tuleb mõelda sellele kui investeeringule, sest see on tegelikult see. Olenemata sellest, mis tootjalt teie lift on või kui uus see on, läheb see ühel või teisel hetkel katki ja kui see juhtub, peaksite kindlasti ostma originaalsed kvaliteetsed osad. Kokkuvõttes, kui peate valima madalate hindade ja kõrge kvaliteedi vahel, valige kindlasti hilisem, sest see osutub pikas perspektiivis palju paremaks otsuseks. Võimalik, et peate kulutama veidi rohkem raha, et osta kvaliteetseid liftiosi, mida vajate, kuid teil ei tohiks selle liftiga pikka aega probleeme tekkida. Olenemata sellest, kas teil on oma mehaanik, kes saab remondiga hakkama, või palkate kellegi väljastpoolt, peaks ta suutma teile anda head nõu selle kohta, milliselt tarnijalt varuosi osta ja mis tüüpi osi peaksite valima. Olenemata sellest, millist tüüpi lifti teil on, tasub alati investeerida kvaliteetsetesse osadesse. Klõpsake siin, kui otsite lifti osi või kui soovite osta lifti varuosi. lifti osad, lifti varuosad osta kvaliteetseid liftiosi Klõpsake siin, kui otsite lifti osi või kui soovite osta lifti varuosi. lifti osad, lifti varuosad

Heade liftiosade leidmiseks tehke koostööd professionaalsete ettevõtetega

Heade liftiosade leidmiseks tehke koostööd professionaalsete ettevõtetega – oneelevator

Heade liftiosade leidmiseks tehke koostööd professionaalsete ettevõtetega The elevator is one of the most important and useful inventions of our days. Everyone thinks of computers when they hear of modern technology, without realizing that the things they use every day to get to their offices or in their apartments have played such an important role in the development of modern society. The skyscrapers would not have been a viable construction without the use of elevators and even today, any respectful company needs to have its headquarters in a building with a proper elevator. But what happens when your elevator breaks and you need to find elevator spare parts in order to fix it. This task is never as easy as it looks because depending on the manufacturer, you will probably need a very specific part that may not always be available the moment you need it. This is why it is always advisable to get in touch with a professional company that can supply elevator parts from the most popular manufacturers on the market. Whether you may need Otis parts for your elevator or something else, when these products are not available in your city, the only way to find them and have them delivered to your location as soon as possible is through a dedicated company. Otis spare parts may not be as hard to find as others, because this is an elevator company that many people choose. The problem is when they need some parts from a manufacturer that is not always so popular and thus it may be harder to come by. Certain mechanics may advice their clients to buy Kone parts even though their elevators might be from a different manufacturer. The problem is a product will never give the same results when using a part from a different manufacturer. This is why it is advised to buy Kone varuosad only if your building has a Kone elevator. To this extent, there are many international elevator parts suppliers, where people can find everything they need. These companies can be easily contacted over the internet, so the spare parts people need for their elevators could become available, provided that they give themselves some time to find a reliable supplier. The reason why people should work with a professional company is because they are much more likely to find what they need than they would at a local supplier. Whether you need something for your Mitsubishi elevator or you need something else, you will definitely be able to find it when you work with a large, international supplier that will definitely be able to send you everything you need in a very effective time frame. Your Mitsubishi lifti osad could be there as soon as you need them, provided that you contact a specialized supplier who can offer you everything you need at a very good price. There are many such suppliers on the market, but choosing one may take some research, which is why it is important to look for them before encountering any type of problems with your elevator. Titles

  1. Where to find elevator parts
  2. Finding the best elevator spare parts
  3. Choose a reliable supplier to buy your Otis parts
  4. Buy Otis spare parts from a reliable supplier
  5. Where to find high quality Kone parts
  6. Get your Kone spare parts from a reliable supplier
  7. Where to buy Mitsubishi elevator parts
  8. Where to find parts for your Mitsubishi elevator
  9. Get your elevator parts from a professional supplier
  10. Where to find high quality elevator spare parts
  11. Where to find Otis parts for your elevator
  12. Finding the Otis spare parts you need
  13. Work with a professional supplier to find Kone parts
  14. Work with a professional supplier for elevator parts
  15. Choose a good supplier of elevator parts
  16. Finding the best Mistubishi elevator parts
  17. Where to find Mitsubishi elevator parts
  18. Finding reliable suppliers for elevator spare parts
  19. Work with a professional supplier of quality elevator parts
  20. Choose a reliable supplier for your Kone parts


  1. Finding the best elevator parts does not have to raise too many problems for those who choose to collaborate with a professional supplier.
  2. When you need elevator spare parts it is important to be able to find the exact parts you need in order to have a well-functioning elevator and this can only be done with the help of a professional supplier.
  3. Otis spare parts are quite easy to find when you deal with a reliable supplier who deals with many manufacturers and can offer you the parts you need to fix your elevator properly.
  4. There are many people looking for Kone parts for their elevator, without realizing that the best way to find them is to work with a reliable supplier.
  5. International companies can offer people the elevator parts they need, regardless of the brand of their elevator.

elevator parts elevator spare parts Otis parts Otis spare parts Kone parts Kone spare parts Mitsubishi elevator Mitsubishi elevator parts


Täname, et külastasite veebisaiti ja vaatasite üle meie privaatsuspoliitika. Teie privaatsus on meile oluline ja me tahame teile teada anda, et meie privaatsuspoliitika on lihtne: me ei kogu teie kohta meie veebisaiti külastades isikuandmeid, välja arvatud juhul, kui otsustate seda teavet meile edastada. Isikuandmete esitamine on vabatahtlik. ei kasuta ega jaga kolmandate osapooltega otseturunduse eesmärgil kogutud teavet. Võime eemaldada kogu isikut tuvastava teabe ja kasutada ülejäänud teavet ajaloolistel, statistilistel või teaduslikel eesmärkidel.


Siin on, kuidas käsitleme teavet teie veebisaidi külastuse kohta:

Teave kogutakse ja salvestatakse automaatselt veebiserver kogub ja salvestab ainult vaiketeavet, mida tavaliselt logib World Wide Web serveritarkvara. Täpsemalt, iga vastuvõetud http-päringu kohta kogutakse ja salvestatakse kuupäev ja kellaaeg, lähte IP-aadress, taotletud objekt ja päringu lõpetamise olek.

Analüüsime neid logisid kord kuus, et teha kindlaks selle kuu jooksul serverit läbiv liiklus tabamustes, teenindatud lehtede arv ja iga kuu huvipakkuvate lehtede nõudlus. Samuti võime analüüsida juurdepääsu teatud lehtedele, et teha kindlaks statistika, mis võib meie veebilehtede tulevasel ümberkorraldamisel meile kasulik olla.

Aadressile saadetud e-kiri kasutame esitatud teavet teie sõnumile vastamiseks ja teie soovitud teabe hankimiseks. Me ei kogu isikuandmeid muul eesmärgil kui teile vastamiseks. Lisaks ei salvesta me e-kirjast sõltumatult isiklikku teavet, ei loo teie esitatud teabega individuaalseid profiile ega anna seda ühelegi eraorganisatsioonile.

Kuidas teavet kasutatakse:

Kasutame kogutud teavet, et mõõta meie saidi erinevate alade külastajate arvu ja aidata meil muuta meie saidi külastajatele kasulikumaks. See hõlmab nende logide perioodilist analüüsimist, et teha kindlaks liiklus meie serverite kaudu, teenindatavate lehtede arv ning nõudluse tase lehtede ja huvipakkuvate teemade järele.

Isikuandmed vormide kaudu:

Mõned meie saidid pakuvad vorme, mis võimaldavad külastajatel esitada otsingumootori päringuid, küsimustikke, tagasisidet või muud teavet. Mõned neist vormidest võivad nõuda isikut tuvastavat teavet (nt nimi, aadress, e-posti aadress) konkreetsetel eesmärkidel, näiteks siis, kui esitaja taotleb isiklikku vastust, registreerub konverentsile või liitub meililistiga. Kogu külastajate esitatud teave on vabatahtlik.

Võime kogutud isikut tuvastamata teavet (nagu otsingumootori päringud ja anonüümsed küsitlusvastused) säilitada piiramatult, et aidata meil külastajate vajadusi paremini mõista ja rahuldada. Võime jagada isikut mittetuvastavat teavet teistega, sealhulgas avalikkusega, koondatud kujul (näiteks meie kõige populaarsemate otsingumootori päringute loendis), osaliselt või muudetud kujul (näiteks aruandes, mis võtab kokku küsimustiku vastused ) või sõna-sõnalt (näiteks küsitluse vastuste täielikus loendis).

Kui teil on küsimusi, kommentaare või ettepanekuid selle kohta, kuidas saaksime seda saiti kasulikumaks muuta või kui olete mures teie isikuandmete kasutamise pärast, võtke ühendust turundusosakonnaga.

Lifti elutsükkel

Lifti elutsükkel

Ennetava hooldusega võib lift vastu pidada 20 aastat või kauem. Olenemata sellest, kas olete hoone omanik või kinnisvarahaldur, kes peab tõsteseadet hooldama, remontima või moderniseerima, on ONE Elevator usaldusväärne ja opereeritud ettevõte, mis suudab teie vajadustele vastata.

Kes me oleme

Üks lift

(XT-Jiangyin One Elevator Co. Ltd.) Lugu

24 aastat


108 töötajat






1997. aastal

ONE Elevator Accessories Co, Ltd. Ametlikult asutatud



Tõstke kummitooted tootmisse
Samal aastal said Mitsubishi, Kone, Otis AAA klassi tarnijad


Ladu valmis, põhiosade ladustamiseks
Samal aastal sai neist KONE tarnijad

2003. aasta



Tootmisvõimsus kahekordistus, sellest sai Hiina suurim liftirullide tootmisettevõte

2010. aasta

Kas teil on uus eskalaatori ketitehas
Pakume Otise, Sigma, Mitsubishi, Thysseni eskalaatori ketti

2010. aasta

2013. aasta

Büroohoone valmis
Sellest ajast peale ei müü me ainult tooteid, vaid müüme ka teenuseid

2014. aasta

Üks lift tuleb
Meist sai suur rahvusvaheline grupp

2013. aasta

2014. aasta

2016. aasta

Juhtrööpa tehas valmis
Meie kliendid üle kogu maailma

2017. aasta

Ootan teiega koostööd

2015. aasta

Zhang Yinchao


Ettevõte käivitas uue ärivormi.

XT-Jiangyin One Elevator co,. Ltd.

Tere tulemast sõbrad üle kogu maailma







Rahvusvaheline osakond


Leopold Zhang

Rahvusvaheline müügidirektor


Tina Ying

Rahvusvaheline müügidirektor



Kvaliteedi kontroll



Ketitehase juht






Juhend tehase juht






Lao ülemus tuleb!

Oleme keskendunud professionaalse ühekordse lifti varuosade teenuse pakkumisele. Kes me oleme Nanjing One Elevator Parts Co, Ltd. on ühe peatuse liftide tarnija, sealhulgas Otise osad, Mitsubishi osad, Fujiteci osad, Thysseni osad, Hyundai osad, LG sigma osad, KONE osad ja nii edasi.