One Elevator Parts Co, Ltd. One step elevator supplier One Elevator Parts has a 20-years history, and is the sole Chinese elevator/escalator parts producer of Kone ,schindler,otis,mitsubishi elevator and ThyssenKrupp.
Indlæg af
- Selcom Dørkontakt KF-2V (2014-05-19 - Elevatorlåsekontakt, Selcom Dele)
- Mitsubishi KCD-603E printkort (2014-05-19 - Elevator printplade, Mitsubishi dele)
- Missubishi SLD035 KCR-650A (2014-05-19 - Elevator printplade, Mitsubishi dele)
- mitsubishi KCA-911A Board (2014-05-19 - Elevator printplade, Mitsubishi dele)
- Mitsubishi GPS strømforsyning (2014-05-19 - Mitsubishi dele, Andre elevatordele)
- Mitsubishi rulletrappe gelænder hom (2014-05-19 - Mitsubishi dele, Moving Walk Rulletrappe Gummi Håndliste)
- KCD-911A mitsubishi elevator (2014-05-19 - Elevator printplade, Mitsubishi dele)
- Mitsubishi 16mm styreskinne sko (2014-05-19 - Styresko Gib, Mitsubishi dele)
- Otis MCB-II GCA26800H1 (2014-05-19 - Rulletrappekort PCB, Otis dele)