سلسلة مرافقة للستارة الخفيفة

سلسلة مرافقة للستارة الخفيفة

سلسلة شاشات الضوء المصاحبة
سلسلة خزانات محرك باب المصعد
سلسلة مرافقة مقاس 1.07*15*28
سلسلة مرافقة للستارة الخفيفة
الطول 1.07 متر
العرض 28 ملم
سميكة 15 ملم

سلسلة مرافقة للستارة الخفيفة

سلسلة مرافقة للستارة الخفيفة

سلسلة خزانات محرك باب المصعد

سلسلة خزانات محرك باب المصعد

ملف الفرامل للسلالم المتحركة من أوتيس

ملف الفرامل للسلالم المتحركة من أوتيس

CSA00C021A ملف فرامل السلم المتحرك

CSA00C021A ملف فرامل السلم المتحرك

ملف الفرامل للسلالم المتحركة من أوتيس

ملف الفرامل للسلالم المتحركة من أوتيس

مكابح السلم المتحرك أوتيس

مكابح السلم المتحرك أوتيس

CSA00C021A ملف فرامل السلم المتحرك
ملف الفرامل للسلالم المتحركة من أوتيس

2016 معرض شنغهاي وي

2016 China International Elevator Exhibition was successfully held in Shanghaiمعرض الصين الدولي للمصاعد

2016 China International Elevator Exhibition was successfully held May 10 to 13 at the National Convention Center (Shanghai), exhibition of innovation development as the theme, the total exhibition area of ​​over 135,000m2, domestic and foreign exhibitors of 1200 or more, there are companies in which foreign companies from Germany, the United States, Japan, Korea, Italy, India, Turkey, Singapore, the United Kingdom more than 20 countries and regions participating, visit the total number of professional audience of 12 million people, is the biggest-ever, participants the largest number ever.

Elevator industry the latest products, technologies and related equipment to get a showcase for the global elevator industry to build the ideal platform for exchanges and cooperation. The exhibition is sponsored by the China Elevator Association 12th consecutive elevator professional exhibitions, 4th exhibition is separated after 12 years in Shanghai, it is held for 20 years since 1996. Chinese and foreign exhibitors, visitors and interested parties with friends and colleagues care support, has become the world’s most influential event in the elevator industry.

Conducted more than 20 technical exchange meeting during the exhibition. Including thevertical transportation system design of tall buildings”و “China’s elevator industry skilled personnel (maintenance man) development”و “clarity elevator safety liability, strengthen risk management and control,” “elevator door system transformation plan,” “Let the elevator more friendly , smarter and safer “و” Internet and parking wisdomand so on. The seminar was well received several elevator companies, research institutes, international organizations and professional media elevator.

The success of China International Elevator Exhibition held thanks to the huge Chinese elevator market, a strong manufacturing capability and installation maintenance. 2015 elevator manufacturing capacity 760,000 units, up 6% ownership lift 4.25 million units, an increase of 18.3%. Both data has been for several years, ranking first in the world, become the most important part of the global elevator market. At the same time, our existing manufacturing license 696, license installation maintenance Enterprise 10326, in the fierce market competition and increasingly stringent regulatory environment elevator, a substantial lack of core competitiveness of SMEs will be forced out, but own products, original technology, patents and other aspects of the core competitiveness of enterprises will win the broader market, it is also the theme of this exhibition andinnovation developmentconsistent.

According to the development needs of China’s elevator industry and elevator industry colleaguesadvice, 2018 China International Elevator Exhibition will continue to be held in May 2018 from 8 to 11 at the National Convention Center (Shanghai), we will look forward to visit, let’s get togrther again at shanghai in 2018.

2016 معرض شنغهاي وي

Glad to see you in the last fair and let’s get togrther again at shanghai in 2018

مشط ميتسوبيشي 14 سن

مشط ميتسوبيشي 14 سن

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YS013b313 لوحة مشط صفراء

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